
Contract for data sources





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open override val loadState: Flow<LoadState>

Observable for network state during requests that the UI can monitor and act based on state changes

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open override val requestHelper: RequestHelper

Request helper that controls the flow of requests to the implementing data source to avoid multiple requests of the same type before others are completed for this instance


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abstract suspend fun clearDataSource(context: CoroutineDispatcher)

Clears data sources (databases, preferences, e.t.c)

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infix fun <T> IDataSource.create(model: Flow<T>): DataState<T>

Helper for creating a user interface state using a data source

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abstract suspend fun invalidate()

Informs the data source to invalidate itself and should invoke network refresh or reload

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abstract suspend fun refresh()

Invalidate data source and, re-run the last successful or last failed request if applicable

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abstract suspend fun retryFailed()

Performs the necessary operation to invoke a network retry request