Package-level declarations


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Convert this receiver as DP to PX

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Check if this receiver is small width screen

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Check if this receiver is wide screen

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Initializer function can be called several times on concurrent access to uninitialized Lazy instance value, but only the first returned value will be used as the value of Lazy instance.

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Convert this receiver as PX to DP

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Convert this receiver as SP to PX

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Locks are used to ensure that only a single thread can initialize the Lazy instance.

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No locks are used to synchronize an access to the Lazy instance value; if the instance is accessed from multiple threads, its behavior is undefined.


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inline fun Menu.addItems(menu: Menu, group: Int = Menu.NONE, flagFor: (MenuItem) -> Int = { MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM })

Add menu items to this menu

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inline fun <T> Fragment.argument(key: String): Lazy<T?>
inline fun <T> Fragment.argument(crossinline default: () -> T, key: String): Lazy<T>

Lazy intent parameters for fragments

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Adds an observer on the lifecycle owner. This must be registered earlier than the lifecycle events you intend on listening to, preferably FragmentActivity.onCreate

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fun String?.capitalizeWords(exceptions: List<String>? = null): String

Returns a copy of this strings having its first letter uppercase, or the original string, if it's empty or already starts with an upper case letter.

fun Collection<String>.capitalizeWords(exceptions: List<String>? = null): List<String>

Capitalizes all the strings unless they are specified in the exceptions list

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fun Context.copyToClipboard(label: String, content: String)

Sets the given content into clipboard.

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Removes an observer on the lifecycle owner. This must be un-registered later than the lifecycle events you being listened to, preferably FragmentActivity.onDestroy

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Disables toolbar title for an activity

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Potentially useless but returns an empty string, the signature may change in future

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inline fun <T> FragmentActivity.extra(key: String): Lazy<T?>
inline fun <T> FragmentActivity.extra(key: String, crossinline default: () -> T): Lazy<T>

Lazy intent parameters for fragment activities

fun <T> SavedStateHandle.extra(key: String, default: () -> T): Lazy<T>

Lazy intent parameters for saved state handle

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fun Context.flowOfBroadcast(intentFilter: IntentFilter): Flow<Intent>

Creates a callback flow a BroadcastReceiver using the given IntentFilter

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fun Context.getColorFromAttr(@AttrRes colorAttr: Int, defaultColor: Int = 0): Int

Creates a color from the given attribute, If the attribute references a color resource holding a complex android.content.res.ColorStateList, then the default color from the set is returned.

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Starting in android Marshmallow, the returned color will be styled for the specified Context's theme.

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Avoids resource not found when using vector drawables in API levels < Lollipop

fun Context.getCompatDrawable(@DrawableRes resource: Int, @ColorRes colorTint: Int): Drawable?

Avoids resource not found when using vector drawables in API levels < Lollipop Also images loaded from this method apply the Drawable.mutate to assure that the state of each drawable is not shared

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Avoids resource not found when using vector drawables in API levels < Lollipop Also images loaded from this method apply the Drawable.mutate to assure that the state of each drawable is not shared

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Avoids resource not found when using vector drawables in API levels < Lollipop and tints the drawable depending on the current selected theme, images loaded from this method apply the Drawable.mutate to assure that the state of each drawable is not shared

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Avoids resource not found when using vector drawables in API levels < Lollipop and tints the drawable depending on the current selected theme, images loaded from this method apply the Drawable.mutate to assure that the state of each drawable is not shared.

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fun Context.getDrawableAttr(@AttrRes drawableAttr: Int): Drawable?

Creates a drawable from the given attribute resource which cannot be nullable type

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Retrieves a LayoutInflater from Context by querying system services

Retrieves a LayoutInflater from View.Context by querying system services

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Gets the size of the display, in pixels. Value returned by this method does not necessarily represent the actual raw size (native resolution) of the display.

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Creates a list of the array resource given

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fun View.gone()

Sets the current views visibility to GONE

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Hides both status bar and navigation bar

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Sets the current views visibility to INVISIBLE

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Exactly whether a device is low-RAM is ultimately up to the device configuration, but currently it generally means something in the class of a 512MB device with about a 800x480 or less screen. This is mostly intended to be used by apps to determine whether they should turn off certain features that require more RAM.

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Makes status bar transparent

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inline fun Drawable.mutate(action: Drawable.() -> Unit)

Drawable mutation helper

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fun Menu.removeItems(menu: Menu, group: Int = Menu.NONE)

Remove menu items from this menu

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fun <C> MutableList<C>.replaceWith(collection: Collection<C>)

Clears the current list and adds the new items into the collection replacing all items

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Extension helper for context that helps us restart the application

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fun Context.restartWithIntent(intent: Intent, intentId: Int = 1510, delayDuration: Int = 100)

Extension helper for context that helps us restart the application

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inline fun <T> Context.scheduleWithAlarm(enabled: Boolean, interval: Long)

Schedule a repeating alarm that has inexact trigger time requirements.

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fun Menu.setVisibilityForAllItems(shouldShow: Boolean, filter: (MenuItem) -> Boolean)

Change visibility of all items for this menu

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fun Collection<*>?.sizeOf(): Int

Gives the size of the collection by doing a null check first

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fun View.snackBar(@StringRes text: Int, duration: Int = Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT): Snackbar
inline fun View.snackBar(@StringRes text: Int, @StringRes actionText: Int, duration: Int, crossinline action: (Snackbar) -> Unit): Snackbar

Creates a snack bar and returns it

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inline fun <T> Context.startNewActivity(params: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY, options: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY)

Start a new activity from context and avoid potential crashes from early API levels

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inline fun <T> Context.startServiceInBackground(intentAction: String): ComponentName?

Starts a background service using the specified type and action

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inline fun <T> Context.startServiceInForeground(intentAction: String)

Starts a foreground service using the specified type and action

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Starts a shared transition of activities connected by views

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inline fun <T> Context.stopServiceMatching(intentAction: String): Boolean

Request that a given application service be stopped. If the service is not running, nothing happens.

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inline fun <T> Context.systemServiceOf(): T?

Extension for getting system services from Context

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fun Context.themeInterpolator(@AttrRes attributeResource: Int, @InterpolatorRes interpolator: Int): Interpolator
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fun Context.themeStyle(@AttrRes attributeResource: Int): Int

Retrieve a style from the current android.content.res.Resources.Theme.

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Request to show or hide the soft input window

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fun View.updateMargins(margin: Int)
fun View.updateMargins(start: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, end: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0)

Updates layout margins with the given values

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Sets the current views visibility to VISIBLE